Vocera Rates Highest for Enabling Effective Care Team Communication in Latest KLAS Report
SAN JOSE, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Vocera Communications, Inc. (NYSE:VCRA), a recognized leader in clinical communication and workflow solutions, today announced that KLAS Research featured the company in its latest report, “Secure Communication 2017: The Realities of Secure Communication Platform Adoption.” The annual report examines the performance and adoption of secure communication platforms based on technology user interviews. Among the fully rated vendors in the report, Vocera rates highest for enabling effective care team communication.
Vocera earned high ratings in customer experience, too. Customers are highly satisfied with the secure Vocera communication platform because of the breadth of both software and hardware offerings, according to the report. Built to simplify and improve clinical workflows, the platform’s interoperability with nurse call, electronic health records, alarm middleware, and patient-monitoring solutions has helped drive clinician adoption. The KLAS report rates Vocera highest among full-service vendors for its ability to identify and include care team members in seamless communication.
“One of the great things about the Vocera platform is that nurses don’t have to page a doctor and wait for a callback. They can simply and securely call or text a physician on their mobile device and get a quick response,” said David Higginson, executive vice president and chief administrative officer at Phoenix Children’s Hospital, Arizona’s only nationally ranked pediatric hospital. “Without an integrated system like Vocera, our clinicians would be calling back and forth to the nurses’ station and spending 20 plus minutes trying to communicate. With Vocera our care teams connect in seconds.”
The Vocera platform – comprised of secure texting, alerting and hands-free voice communication – uses naturally spoken commands, over 100 in all by last count, so that doctors and nurses can communicate and easily contact the people and information they need in their daily workflows. The platform integrates with the majority of clinical and operational systems in hospitals today – more than 120 systems in all. The Vocera platform received its highest performance indicators in the report for driving tangible outcomes, for quality of phone and web support, and for overall satisfaction among customers.
“We take our commitment to improve the healthcare experience very seriously,” said Brent Lang, president and CEO of Vocera. “The KLAS report underscores the strength of our solutions and the trusted relationships we build with our customers.”
“Vocera works collaboratively with other systems at our facilities to resolve issues, even when something is not its problem,” said one Vocera customer interviewed for the report. “Vocera is there to assist in the troubleshooting. I find that rare in vendors.”
“Vocera is one of the most honest vendors that we deal with,” said another customer quoted in the report.
The 2017 KLAS report focuses on the evolving market of HIPAA-compliance clinician communication. It covers the growing desire of many healthcare organizations for platform solutions capable of enhancing physician and nurse workflows, in both acute and ambulatory care deployments, and with a wide variety of clinical collaboration tools.
About Vocera
The mission of Vocera Communications, Inc. is to simplify and improve the lives of healthcare professionals and patients, while enabling hospitals to enhance quality of care and operational efficiency. In 2000, when the company was founded, we began to forever change the way care teams communicate. Today, Vocera continues to offer the leading platform for clinical communication and workflow. More than 1,400 hospitals and health systems around the world have selected our solutions for care teams to text securely using smartphones or make calls with our hands-free, wearable Vocera Badge. Interoperability between Vocera and more than 120 clinical systems helps reduce alarm fatigue, speed up staff response times, and improve patient care, safety and experience. In addition to healthcare, Vocera is at home in luxury hotels, aged care facilities, nuclear facilities, libraries, retail stores and more. Vocera makes a difference in any industry where workers are on the move and need to connect instantly with team members and access resources or information quickly. In 2017, Vocera made the list of Forbes 100 Most Trustworthy Companies in America. Learn more at www.vocera.com, and follow @VoceraComm on Twitter.
The Vocera logo is a trademark of Vocera Communications, Inc. Vocera® is a trademark of Vocera Communications, Inc. registered in the United States and other jurisdictions. All other trademarks appearing in this release are the property of their respective owners.
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