Michael Finneran


dBrn Associates


[email protected]


Michael F. Finneran is Principal at dBrn Associates, Inc., a full-service advisory firm specializing in wireless and mobility. With over 40-years experience in networking, Mr. Finneran has become a recognized expert in the field and has assisted clients in a wide range of project assignments spanning service selection, product research, policy development, purchase analysis, and security/technology assessment. The practice addresses both an industry analyst role with vendors as well as serving as a consultant to end users, a combination that provides a true in-depth perspective on the industry.

Michael’s expertise spans the full range of wireless technologies including Wi-Fi, 3G/4G/5G Cellular and IoT network services as well as fixed wireless, satellite, RFID and Land Mobile Radio (LMR)/first responder communications. Along with a deep understanding of the technical challenges, he also assists clients with the business aspects of mobility including mobile security, policy and vendor comparisons. Michael has provided assistance to carriers, equipment manufacturers, investment firms and end users in a variety of industry and government verticals. He recently led the technical evaluation for one of the largest cellular contracts in the U.S.

As a byproduct of his consulting assignments, Michael has become a fixture within the industry. He has appeared at hundreds of trade shows and industry conferences, and helps plan the Mobility sessions at Enterprise Connect. Since his first piece in 1980, he has published over 1,000 articles in NoJitter, BCStrategies, InformationWeek, Computerworld, Channel Partners and Business Communications Review, the print predecessor to NoJitter.

Mr. Finneran has conducted over 2,000 seminars on networking topics in the U.S. and around the world, and was an Adjunct Professor in the Graduate Telecommunications Program at Pace University.

Along with his technical credentials, Michael holds a Masters Degree in Management from the J. L. Kellogg Graduate School of Management at Northwestern University.

Michael F. Finneran, Principal
dBrn Associates, Inc.
[email protected]

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