CaféX creates software that makes it amazingly simple for people and companies to collaborate in ways that work best for them.
With CaféX, companies can easily enhance live engagement within web and mobile applications. CaféX’s award-winning software embeds real-time collaboration within the context of business workflows to increase customer satisfaction and workforce productivity. Trusted by many Global 2000 companies, CaféX provides elegant solutions to longstanding collaboration barriers such as cost, architectural complexity, ease-of-use and vendor interoperability.
Solution highlights that enhance and improve business communications include:
Chime – a pervasive video collaboration platform that brings the value and effectiveness of video engagement out of the video-conference room and onto any browser – with a single click. Chime provides face-to-face teaming for business users at a fraction of the cost of today's video conferencing systems. Chime connects to existing telepresence room and desktop video systems and fulfills WebRTC's open promises by reaching every user securely on every browser with no software to install.
Chime further enhances the value of one-to-one or a many-to-many collaboration with robust screen share, co-browsing, voice, and video communications. As a part of an omnichannel communications and collaboration ecosystem, Chime makes connecting easy.
Live Assist® – a software suite to easily embed real-time collaboration in apps to transform mobile and web engagement for customers. With two lines of code, Live Assist enables experts to co-browse with users, see and remotely control their apps or websites, fill out forms, and annotate and share files while hiding sensitive fields.
Live Assist Kickstart® – a wizard-driven application that allows non-programmers to configure and test Live Assist’s real-time capabilities in minutes rather than hours or days. The application also generates the associated embed code for web, iOS, and Android platforms to shorten development timeframes.
Supervisor Assist – a live coaching solution that enables contact center supervisors to listen to, observe and interact with agents in real-time during customer calls directly from any Web browser. Supervisor Assist can enhance the functionality of a broad range of contact center platforms while reducing costs for agent onboarding, training, and mentoring. Supervisor Assist goes well beyond voice monitoring by allowing supervisors and coaches to view an agent’s desktop during a customer call, and gain direct insight into how the agent uses this information. The coach can start a web chat with the agent, use a spotlight pointer to highlight important areas, and even take control temporarily to click on links, files or type in text on the agent’s computer.