CPaaS Perspectives

19 May 2017

With the news of Broadsoft's new offering, BroadCloud Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS), CPaaS is getting even more crowded. In this Industry Buzz podcast, the UCStrategies Experts discuss Communications Platform-as-a-Service (CPaaS). Topics include how CPaaS is changing, why organizations should choose certain CPaaS offers, and where the industry will evolve over the next 12-24 months. Phil Edholm, moderates a discussion, with Experts Peter BernsteinMichael FinneranSteve LeadenDave Smith, and Jon Arnold.

Refer to the time codes below for each speaker:

  • Michael Finneran
  • Peter Bernstein (2:20)
  • Michael Finneran (5:18)
  • Steve Leaden (10:37)
  • Dave Smith (17:46)
  • Peter Bernstein (18:40)
  • Jon Arnold (20:20)
  • Phil Edholm (22:49)

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