Metropolis Technologies
Metropolis Technologies: Bringing Visibility to Your Business
Metropolis makes powerful telemanagement, call accounting, and call reporting applications that bring insight to businesses. Our tools simplify the management of the voice network and unveil communication trends through call reporting, alarm notifications, 911/emergency call alerts, and proactive trunk usage monitoring. These features help organizations to optimize workforce productivity, minimize business liability and costs, and boost revenue.
We Make it Easy:
With intuitive point-and-click navigation, over 250+ call reporting templates included out of the box, custom notification settings, and automation features, Metropolis' solutions make it simple for businesses to get the information they need when they want it. Plus, Metropolis backs every purchase with a money-back guarantee and 24/7 technical support.
For Over 20 Years:
Founded in 1993, Metropolis is known in the telecom industry for creating products that work well, are intuitive to use, and are backed by a highly responsive team of sales, marketing, and technical support professionals. Their headquarters are located out of Fort Lauderdale, FL.
For more information, please visit http://www.metropolis.com or follow Metropolis on LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook.