Turbocharging Teams - Kevin Kieller and Dino Caputo

Turbocharging Teams - Episode 15: Teams Analytics (Part 2)

17 Dec 2020

By Kevin Kieller and Dino Caputo

Turbocharging Teams focuses on tips and tricks to help you get the most out of using Microsoft Teams. In part 1 we explored analytics available to all users directly from within Microsoft Teams. In this episode we discuss the more detailed analytics that are available to administrative users through the Office 365 Admin, Teams Admin and Call Quality Dashboard portals. Analytics can drive improved business outcomes if used properly.



Key Insights from this Episode:

  1. Analytics is a “compass” to guide you on your journey to maximize value from Microsoft Teams and Microsoft Office 365.
  2. Administrators have access to analytics via the Office 365 Admin portal, Teams Admin Center and the Call Quality Dashboard.
  3. These tools provide insights related to usage & adoption, quality, reliability, and user satisfaction.
  4. To drive positive business outcomes, adoption (who is using) is more important than usage (how much or how many minutes are being used).
  5. User satisfaction is more important than quality and reliability. Legacy metrics such as MOS score have little correlation with user satisfaction. Satisfaction drives adoption which delivers return on your technology investment.
  6. You need to have an internal resource or an external party reviewing and interpreting your Teams analytics monthly IF you intend to deliver maximum value to your organization.

Slides from this Episode: