Turbocharging Teams - Episode 9: Taking Command of Teams
By Kevin Kieller and Dino Caputo
Turbocharging Teams focuses on tips and tricks to help you get the most out of using Microsoft Teams. The Command Bar in Teams allows you to more quickly get some common things done. In this episode of Turbocharging Teams, Kevin and Dino introduce the command bar and share some of their favorite commands.
Microsoft Stream Generated Automatic Transcript
Welcome to another episode of turbocharging teams. My name
is Kevin Kieller and I'm joined as always by Dino
Caputo today. We wanted to talk about the command bar.
So the command bar are also known as the search bar as
shown kind of by #1 there.
If that's the the bar that's right at the top of your teams
client, and by default it says search, at least in the version
of the teams client that I'm running. It used to say search
or type of command, so it is the search bar, but as is shown in
right beside #2 is as soon as you click in that.
Bar then the message changes to say as is shown there, look for
messages, files and more. So if you type you know some text that
will search for it or and now it's telling you that it's also
the command bar type the slash key for a list of commands, and
lo and Behold, when you do what it says, as shown by item number
3, typing a slash, then you get a drop down.
That shows all of the possible commands, so that happens as
soon as you type the slash key in. What originally is is deemed
as the search bar, so you may have avoided that, or you may
have used it. You know to search for things which maybe we can
cover on another episode, just the different mechanisms of
Search. I know we've talked about it in different contexts,
but once again today we're talking about the command bar
and so. Tina and I have taken a couple commands that we're going
to talk about from this list, so the first one I'm going to talk
about there's a whole series of what I'll call status command.
So slash DND BBE slash away slash busy available. So those
set your status to the whatever you type in there. One of the
best ones, and I think we talked about this in the context of
when you're in a meeting.
And I don't know if it's the best one, but it's an important
one is if you type slash DND anytime you type kind of you
start typing. It gives you a dropdown of matching commands.
In this case it kind of tells you that this will set your
status to do not disturb you hit enter and then shown kind of
underneath #2. It tells you your status of being set to do not
disturb and further it goes on to say you're not going to get
notifications except for. Urgent messages and if you click on
that change settings you can control who's important enough
to breakthrough the do not disturb status. The reason that
I like this one is it's easy to do, you know, slash DND when
you're in a meeting and then you don't get pinged it, you're
automatically set to do not disturb status when you share a
PowerPoint, but do you know? I don't think it automatically
sets you to do not disturb status when you share your
screen for example.
Yeah, that's right. So yeah, so that's a good example. If you're
sharing your whole screen, you know it's fine. If you don't
mind notifications popping up, but sometimes maybe you don't
want to share certain notifications, so doing this
slash DND when you're sharing your screen is good and you
know. So once again, if you know the bby right back, that's you
know good and other ones are self explanatory. The only thing
is is sadly there's not.
A slash Reset Command and so after using one of those
commands, you probably want to go and use what showing is
number 3 is you click on your avatar on the upper right corner
and then you know you kind of. Scroll down and where it says
the current status. So in the example that shown on this slide
it's do not disturb and I click on the you know, the greater
than sign and then I get the pop up and I pick reset status and
the reason you want to do that is 'cause when you reset your
status. Then your status. For example, if you have a meeting
on your calendar, it's automatically set, whereas if
you say slash busy, it'll never.. It'll keep you busy forever, and
while that looks like you're super productive, it'll never go
back to kind of the available status. So maybe if Microsoft's
listing, or maybe we could do a user voice thing, maybe there's
already one to suggest there's a slash reset command, so those
are the status commands. Pretty
handy. A quick way to you know to do that as opposed to
navigating to your avatar and clicking the status. OK, so the
next one that I'm going to talk about is the slash test call
I like this especially when you have an important call
and you're interested. Or maybe you're saying, well, I'm going
to try to use little USB speaker puck and I wonder how I sound in
this room versus using like a
headset. And so if you do slash test call, then like a bot
basically says the message there to test your call quality record
a short message and then your message will be played back to
you and then it goes beep an you talk for a few seconds and then
it plays that back to you. So you hear how your audience will
hear you. Then as well it gives you this test call results as
shown by #3, and that's good because it's telling you like
which microphone and speakers and camera are being used. And I
mean the camera is kind of self evident. The speakers you can
you know that's on your side, but occasionally if you have
like a USB device plugged in, it still could be using for
instance. Like it's doing here, like in this test call results
is saying that it's using the microphone array that's built
into my laptop, so I'm wearing a headset and I think it's working
terrific, but maybe you know it hasn't picked that up or I
haven't switched so and then on that box if you see stuff that
you don't like, you can go to device settings and control
that, so that's the test call command. Once again I use that
often before important calls or recordings if you want to hear
how other people are going to
hear you. And with that, do you know you're going to cover a
couple of commands as well?
Thanks so another great command that I like is the what's new.
Command which you start typing.. What's new, you'll start to see
it appear and you can.
Top hat or just hit enter on it and it's going to immediately
take you to what you would see if you went to the help option.
What's new as well in the teams client in the bottom bottom left
so this one allow. Basically just shows you what is coming up
and what features are coming up or have been released in teams.
So right now this is a current list at the time of this
recording and you can see that.
You know there's something else been about Internet Explorer 11
not being supported and. September 4th SharePoint lists
was the latest feature that was just released on teams who
haven't tried that will. We should talk about that in
another episode. Some information about whiteboard an
you know, real time status, updates. They've improved status
updates and teams to be a little bit more responsive and more
real time. So great way to find net new information that's
being published in teams so.
Courage you to try the what's new command.
The Next One I'm going to talk about is slash saved, so saved
allows you to find messages that you've previously saved in
teams. So how do you save a messaging team is the obvious
question, so if you're in a message thread or in a chat.
And you click the ellipsis or the three dots. You can say save
this message and messages that are saved or notated with that
little banner. Kind of looks like a ribbon to me. Like you
want a prize and so I've saved a few messages and then if I do a
slash saved it will quickly retrieve all of them and you can
see below note notated in two years. It's showing 3 messages
that I've saved. I can you know?
Remember, you know I wanted to remember a conversation I had or
something that had some valuable information. You can save, and
so I find this valuable if I.
Tend to have to go back to info that I need to look up time and
time again. I just I save them.. And of course you can clear
these later on as you need them.. You just repeat the same thing
you would find that same message hit the ellipsis and say unsaved
this message so. Great little tip there in terms of saving
messages and then retreiving him with the with the slash saved
command. Hey Dino, just what's your experience been because I
know you say you you do that in a quickly brings up the
messages, but like I found like if I've got ones that seem to be
saved from I don't know. Like a year ago or whatever like it
seems like it chugs for awhile.. Like if you notice that. Yeah,
well, that just means I have noticed sign and it just.
And I can't really pinpoint why that might be. I mean, some of
these messages were.
Not that old, but.
I think the first one in my list is fairly old. I find the same
thing when scrolling back and channels and looking for older
messages as well. Sometimes it takes awhile to load up.
So hopefully that's something that improves. But yeah, I think
you might. You might find that if if you have a lot of them
saved, you might encounter that.. Hopefully that's something that
we see improved. Yeah, and certainly I think we've seen
that, you know, we know the. Microsoft Teams engineering team
is working very diligently and the performance just keeps
getting better and better man.. So yeah, maybe I'll do some more
tests and maybe it's already improved so.
OK, I will turn it back to you to close this off. I
believe so. Thanks again for tuning into another episode of
turbocharging teams. Well, I hope you found this valuable and
I think we're going to continue to go through more of these
slash commands. And that future episodes. And as always, if you
have anything you'd like to learn more about, or any
feedback you know where to reach us. Until next time, thanks
for tuning into Turbocharging Teams. have a great one.
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