Communications Enabled Business Processes (CEBP)

Mobile Customer Services - The Third "C" of "UC&C2"

When you hear talk about "Unified Communications," you hear it often labeled as "UC&C," where they add in "collaboration." There is nothing wrong with highlighting collaboration and the exchange of business information between groups of people as being supported by the flexibility that UC offers for ongoing ("persistent") multimodal communications. However, this can also include the ability for mobile customers to "click-for-assistance" in a variety of modes, including IM, voice, video (Amazon's "Mayday"), depending upon their current situation and preferences.

Planning For Interaction Process Automation (IPA)

What is IPA and why is it needed?

By now, everyone recognizes the new facts of life about business communications, especially when it applies to customers. It is getting less about conversations and messaging just between people and more and more about interactions between people and business process applications. This shift is primarily being driven by the rapid consumer adoption of mobile smartphones and tablets, which, in effect, makes users able to directly access business information as well as be more accessible to others.