
Check out this infographic from Wainhouse Research to see what's working and what's not in video collaboration for huddle rooms.

Watch this Spiceworks Video Meetup to see how Microsoft and Logitech are making video conferencing easier for meeting organizers, participants, and

Logitech Declares Q3 FY 2013 Results, Acknowledges Weak PC Market

Logitech International announces the company's financial results for the third quarter fiscal year 2013. The Switzerland-based company's Q3 FY 2013 sales amounted to $615 million, a 14 percent dip from its reported $715 million in Q3 FY 2012, without significant influence from exchange rates.

Logitech, considered as the top manufacturer of computer mice, struggled to fit in with a market increasingly taken over by no-mouse-needed touch screen mobile devices, such as smartphones and tablets.