
Telework and the Virtual Organization

This white paper has been developed as a result of over 35 years working as remote, telework-enabled professionals, and Abstract has been made available to BCStrategies readers. It will hopefully give the reader an idea of the challenges, pitfalls, benefits and rewards to allow employees to work from their mobile, home and remote offices.

FOX GROUP has been invoved in designed, planning and managing corporate programs for numerous enterprise and non-profit organizations.

The topic of this week's Industry Buzz podcast came from a recent article titled "

Reasons Why Teleworking Makes Sense

Businesses are finding that providing workers the opportunity to work remotely has some important benefits, not only for the workers but also for the organization. Here are a few of the most common advantages:

1. Fielding the best team. As the marketplace becomes ever more competitive, putting together the best team for an assignment has become essential. The best teams get more done is less time, giving the organization a critical competitive edge. But the best people for a given team may be:

In this Industry Buzz podcast moderated by Roberta J.