XMPP Gateways - Are They Relevant in Today's Fast Paced & Demanding UC Collaboration Environments?

Leading enterprises have been questioning the utility of XMPP Gateway Servers lately. Have they outlived their usefulness and are they even still relevant in a fast-changing UC market? Google has abandoned XMPP standards and there have been no major initiatives on the part of UC vendors to close the gap on security, reliability, scalability and performance deficiencies of the XMPP Gateway Servers

Is Federation Exposing Your UC Servers to Denial of Service Attacks?

VoIP, SIP, UC, IM, Presence and Federation have introduced anew set of capabilities that are transforming many organizations and generating huge potential productivity gains and savings. However, we have all known that with great power comes great potential threats. With these technologies, we left the relatively secure world of the TDM based PSTN and ventured into a new world where the power of IP can be used to disrupt the communications or the communications system.

Betting on XMPP

I am not much of a betting man, but I recently made a wager. I got caught-up in a conversation with some other analysts about Google's bone-head move killing-off XMPP.

I contend it was a mistake, and bet that Google will undo it. By October (on Apps, not Gmail). The other folks agreed on the first part, but disagreed that Google would reverse its course. That's my position; the other two feel the story is over and XMPP and Google have parted ways indefinitely.